Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
12.08.2019 (1916 days ago)


1916 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

An interesting week ended yesterday.

My (football) team grossly disappointed (again)!

A couple of parties.

My (basketball) team unceremonious dumped its coach.

I earned some CLE credits

A very nice show.

A couple of dinners out with good friends.

My (baseball) team anticipates an ownership change that excites a lot of folk.

Just let’s say when I decided to put on my Mets baseball cap a couple to time over the last several days, I consciously indicted the seasons of the Knicks and Jets. As the same time, the Mets off-season, in terms of player-personnel has yet to reach any real excitement phase; they let a pitch with ace potential walk. No new acquisitions yet make me excited. The prospect that the never ready for prime time ownership might change (pending completion of a reported deal and subject to a vote by MLB owners) still makes many giddy (and yet the deep pocketed owner to be may not be “pure”).

Nothing shoddy about the concert. The 39th Annual John Lennon Tribute Concert honored Natalie Merchant who also performed. It also featured Joan Osborne, Willie Nile, The Kennedys (Pete & Maura), Bobby Harden, Nicki Richards, Rachel Yamagata, Sam Amidon, Raye Zaragoza, and Rich Pagano of the Fab Faux. Highlights for me included one of my fave Beatles tunes, “Eight Day A Week” (Willie Nile on vocals), Imagine (Natalie Merchant with Joan Osborne and Nicki Richards) and All I Want is the Truth (Joan Osborne).

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