Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.23.2023 (631 days ago)


631 days ago 33 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I was brought up to believe in the necessity for and value of insurance and over the years have paid far far more in premiums than the rare settlement payments I have received. 

This year the premiums have gone up still again and, despite efforts to understand the increases or "shop" my coverage, I am at a total loss.  

I have a friend who years ago told me that he did not have hurricane insurance and that he was "self insured". Recently he told me that he had not suffered any hurricane damage over the years and was, on balance, way ahead. So far ahead that even if a storm struck his property now he would still be ahead. 

I have no answers, only questions!

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