10.03.2022 (875 days ago)

Instant Gratification

Instant Gratification
875 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I feel that, with Amazon and similar websites, we’re becoming people who expect instant gratification. Almost everything we want; we can get with one click. 


For example, my husband recently found a dark chocolate, cherry Kind bar in our pantry. I’m not even sure where we had gotten it, I believe on an airplane. He ate it and declared it the best Kind bar he had ever had. He asked me to purchase more for him. Since I was unsure as t where we had even gotten it, I  quickly searched Amazon. The next day we had two boxes of dark chocolate, cherry Kind bars on our door step. 


I’m not sure whether the instant gratification that Amazon brings is a good thing. For my husband it certainly was. But is instant gratification always necessary? I have noticed that after he ate a few bars, the bars remaining in the boxes are now untouched. Perhaps, if I had to go out to a store and buy just a few bars, that would have been enough. 


Are we becoming a culture that expects instant gratification? And, if so, is that a good thing?

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