Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
02.19.2017 (2936 days ago)


2936 days ago 12 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Discourse, Civility, heroism

Recent blogs on this website – not mine – focused on political discourse and the need to embrace civility.


I concur with the concept of heroism to face your friends (and others) who hold different positions and share with each other what brings you to your point of view.


I want to stress the difference between discourse and partisanship. Most folks use “politics” when they really mean partisanship, which often involves taking a side with a like-minded group.


It makes sense to endeavor to keep partisanship out of the discourse; when you do it makes it easy to avoid the rancor when you differ.


In my freshman year of college for a class in ancient lit, the assignment involved writing an inspirational story; I included a cassette tape of music. Neither the paper nor cassette got returned but I kept a list of the tunes through all there years; recently I created iTunes and YouTube (found on my YouTube Channel) playlists. I call it Inspiration; perhaps a listen may help those not ready to be heroic as Webmaster suggested the weekend before to take the plunge.




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