Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.30.2024 (197 days ago)


197 days ago 21 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A person who is incapable of being satisfied is considered insatiable.  

I'm not sure whether it is a negative or positive (or possibly both) characteristic, but, oft times, it applies to me.

I admit to many insatiable hungers.   

For example, I can't get enough of Aaron Judge, the Yankee baseball superstar.  I watch his every at bat, know all his statistics and go to bed a happy boy if he homered that day!

I also have an insatiable appetite for Social Media and, according to my wife, spend far too long trolling on my phone.  

I have many more, but space allows for only one more: I have an insatiable appetite for salty chips and used to consume them with a nightly Cuba Libre.  

Maybe there's hope for a more level life though, as I am (currently) no longer drinking...

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I didn’t know you were still doing this. I don’t drink anymore either. And my two best friends who are very heavy drinkers gave it up to years ago and turned their health around completely.

Posted By : Catherine Cargill

We are going to be poor company for each other when I finally have teeth. Neither of us drinking! Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By : louis petrone