04.03.2023 (694 days ago)


694 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

When was the last time you indulged yourself? 


While in Italy recently (which itself is an indulgence) my husband and I grew accustomed to drinking cappuccinos at night. As Italians generally do, we would sit together, relax, savor our cappuccinos (mine was always decaf), and just talk about our day.


In telling our children about our trip, we told them about the nightly cappuccino ritual we enjoyed. When they asked why we would not continue it here my answer was, “It’s too complicated to make.” My daughter then told us about a Keurig model that steams and froths the milk at the touch of a button while the coffee is brewing.


The next day my husband found the Keurig model online.  Before I could protest that we did not need a new coffee maker-ours was still in great condition-he quickly ordered it.  


Since we received the new Keurig, we have been indulging ourselves with nightly cappuccinos. And really enjoying it. Do you indulge yourself?

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