07.10.2013 (4261 days ago)

Independence Day

Independence Day
4261 days ago 3 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

It may have been Independence Day. with thoughts of revolution and fireworks, but to me, it was a day of nothing more than family, friends, nice weather and relaxation.  It is not something that I get or enjoy often, but nonetheless, I did actually take some time to bask in it.


I did remember at some point sitting back and being truly proud of what we had built (it's been a while).  The young kids playing in the pool.  The older kids were playing something called CanJam (a frisbee game that had a winner, a loser and you could play with a beer so I was in).  The older generation were merely enjoying the shade from the big umbrellas and the chance to get together.  The only problem was my daughter and I charmingly fighting over music (she is wonderful, but one of my greatest failures in life was her addiction to cheesy pop).


This was what my wife and I had worked so hard for and dreamed about, but not enjoyed that much lately.  It's easy to get caught up in life's problems.  Sometimes you need to just let go, if only for a breather.  Perhaps Independence Day was a day of freedom in more ways than one.




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