09.19.2013 (4189 days ago)

In the Same Time Zone

In the Same Time Zone
4189 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

    I like it when we -- that is Flo, me and all of the children -- are in the same time zone. I can safely write about this because my daughter, Mea, and son-in-law, Charles, who live in Seattle, are in New York for the next few days. Everyone else lives in New York and, until Monday, we'll all be in the same time zone.

         When Mea and Charles are in Seattle, I find the time difference to be a real impediment to casual conversation. I can't call when I am on my way to work -- too early for them. When they are on their way to work, I'm in the middle of my workday. They are in the middle of their workday when I am on my way home, and when their done with work, I am simply done.

       When we were in Seattle, I noticed a lot of people up and about in the very early morning -- between 5 and 6 a.m. I assumed that their work tied them in to Eastern time zones. I doubt that they were having coffee in advance of a casual catch-up call with family on the East Coast.

       So, I'll really enjoy the next few days when I can call Mea whenever I'd like.


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