Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
03.24.2014 (3954 days ago)

In Good Hands

In Good Hands
3954 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last night, I had the good fortune to visit Gotham’s Young Professionals group led by Sarah Annese. Sitting around the conference room table at HUB International (the home of Gotham’s Michael Zeldes and Young Pro Member Gerald Stoll), I had the pleasure of meeting over 20 members and guests, an eclectic gathering of seasoned professionals, new professionals and even some on their way to be professionals. I was struck by a few things.

First, the interest and desire to help each other was laid on the table from the opening words of the meeting. I have been to countless Gotham (and other) meetings over the years but this group was living and breathing the Gotham mantra.

Second, the meaning of “tribe” could not have been more clear with multiple examples of Gotham progeny in the room – David Abeshouse’s impressive daughter Rachel; both of Don Hochler’s personable and intelligent sons, Dan and Keith, and of course Sarah herself as the progeny of Gotham’s webmaster, Mitch Tobol.

Last, “L’dor V’dor” in Hebrew means “from generation to generation”. I found myself repeating that phrase. Initially, from the obvious perspective with David Absehouse, Vik Rajan, Lonnie Morrison and Debbie Lindner sharing their own experiences. But then, perhaps even more gratifying, from everyone in the room to a group of Syracuse University juniors working at a local high school, the HSLPS. These students came away with quite a lesson in business.

All in all, an impressive meeting. I left excited for the future knowing that our world would be in the hands of this up and coming group of businesspeople.

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