Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

Images for a Sunday afternoon

Images for a Sunday afternoon
2790 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Pictures, Photos, greeting cards, holiday cards, FAD Market, Invisible Design

We visited with my talented sister-in law yesterday at The FAD Market at The Invisible Dog Factory at 51 Bergen Street a few blocks south of Atlantic Avenue in Downtown Brooklyn.

FAD Market

If you approach summer as Fred and Joanne Klein do, it makes sense to visit this location -- open from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., in particular to see "Images by Adrianne.


You'll see and enjoy the photos on aluminum and acrylics, picture greeting and holiday cards.

Images By Adrianne

We prefer you go see her art,

Adrianne and Rachelle

but you may view her website.


You may contact her at


Please tell her Corey sent you.

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