Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
07.01.2019 (2082 days ago)

If You Could Share

If You Could Share
2082 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


. . . just one piece of networking advice, what would it be?

Do you ever think about that question? I do.

We have all been doing this thing called networking for a while and in my opinion, its kind of personal. We all approach networking from our own perspectives and bring to the process our own special twist. But if you had to break it down to one piece of critical advice, what direction would you take?

For me, I think it boils down to that question we ask at every Gotham table – how can we help you? The best networking happens when people genuinely want to help each other. That is the essence of what goes around comes around.

What advice would you give?

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