08.08.2016 (3122 days ago)

If We Won. . .

If We Won. . .
3122 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


My husband and I did it again last night. In fact we do it quite often. We fantasized about what we would do if we won the lottery (what were you thinking I meant?).


When we engage in this discussion, we both admit that quitting our jobs would be the first thing we would do (wouldn’t everyone?). Then we would set up trust accounts for our children and close family members.  We agreed that our children would not get the money until after they have succeeded on their own, in their own careers.


Next up would be substantial donations to fund research for cures of certain illnesses that have touched our lives, Crohns & Colitis, Parkinson’s Disease, Brain Tumors, and Breast Cancer.


Once our children, families, and charitable organizations are taken care of we would focus on ourselves. Essentially, the plan would be to take off and travel the world. Of course, as we are circling the globe we would be happy to send money to our children to join us in our trek across the world. Only, of course, if they are able to take time off from work.



As they say in the lottery business, you have to be in it to win it.  Unfortunately, we rarely buy lottery tickets. But it’s always nice to dream. How would you spend your lottery winnings?

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