10.09.2017 (2695 days ago)

Ice, Crushed or Cubed?

Ice, Crushed or Cubed?
2695 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Recently, I wrote about a controversy in my home, toilet seats up or down. And I was grateful for all the responses. Apparently, there is another debate brewing in my home and it concerns ice, crushed or cubes?


My refrigerator makes both crushed ice and ice cubes. I have learned that I seem to have an aversion to crushed ice. My daughter loves to make herself a large cup of crushed ice and will leave the refrigerator on that setting when she’s finished. If I do not look at the refrigerator before I use it, I will invariably get a glass of crushed ice. I am not a fan of crushed ice as, to me, it melts too quickly and waters down my beverage. So, when I unexpectedly get a glass of crushed ice, I generally throw it in the sink and start again.


I have tried to make a  rule in my house that, after you’re done with the ice, you have to put the refrigerator setting on ice cubes. But the fans of crushed ice have rallied against me.  Do you have an ice preference, crushed or cubed?



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