Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.01.2022 (841 days ago)


841 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As the remnants of Ian move over the eastern seaboard, I'm reminded by Hurricane Sandy which devastated the south shore of Long Island. The destruction looks the same with boats ending up in people's backyards and houses totally gone.


I watch the news reports, the interviews with residents and the utter devastation that Mother Nature brought to bear on Florida and can't help but vividly remember when it happened to us. My heart goes out the people and businesses that have been changed forever.


There was one positive, a silver lining, that was on display after the storm left...the outpouring of support each person showed their neighbors. Food, clothing and kindness on a scale I hadn't seen. 


I hope and trust the people of Florida take care of each other.

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