I am a big baby in two aspects of my life, my birthday (which I have already blogged about) and taking care of myself. As my husband who is a doctor will attest to, I very rarely go to the doctor (other than my annual check-ups) and, when I do, I complain incessantly. When I get sick, I revert to a whiney, whimpering ten year old girl.
I’m writing this blog on Saturday morning and I have a bad cold. On Friday night I left the office relatively early (5:15), came home, put on my pajamas, ordered in Chinese food (which, to me, is a great cure for a cold) and hunkered down for the night.
My typical Saturday morning routine is to wake up relatively early, exercise, do my household chores, and write my blog. This morning because I am sick, I slept late, did not exercise, and skipped most of my chores. I am making chicken soup which is simmering on the stove. To me, homemade chicken soup is the best cure for a cold.
What do you do when you have a cold?