Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.13.2021 (1181 days ago)

I'm Angry

I'm Angry
1181 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This is about masks.  I wear my mask on the LIRR and subway as I am supposed to. 


The LIRR was crowded this morning.  Not shoulder to shoulder, but no excess of empty seats.  So, I sat down. 


These days I’ve learned to look at the mask status of the person sitting next to me beforehand, but for some reason this morning I just sat.  It felt so pre-pandemic.


But when I looked over, the young woman in the next seat was completely unmasked. Trust me, I have almost become used to the half mask, chin guard, earing or bracelet version of masking.  This time, there was not even a mask in site. 


We were, in essence, shoulder to shoulder.  I was immediately uncomfortable but there was really no place for me to go at that moment.  I thought about standing and moving but then the conductor came by to check tickets.  My seatmate was given a “pass” on everything, no ticket no mask.


I said nothing but eventually changed my seat when one became available.  I wish I would have had the courage to say something to this woman, but like the conductor, I chose not to have a confrontation.


Not a great way to start a day.

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