Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.07.2017 (2899 days ago)

I'm Addicted

I'm Addicted
2899 days ago 28 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

I am compelled to admit that I have become an addict.  I am addicted to Social Media. 

Although mostly a Luddite, I am constantly watching and working my amazingly fecund iPhone.    

It started years ago with email and a crude self constructed fredslist which became a more sophisticated and responsive list serve.  Texting is my least favorite form of communication, but it is a highly effective direct private line to my grand kids. 

Over time, I began to thrive on the near instant interaction and gratification afforded by my phone. Mentor partner Flo Feinberg says no one responds to an email or text faster than me. 

Then my son David turned me on to Facebook which to me is my own private broadcast platform for my prized iPhone photographs and, amongst many other things, attempts to stir up political discourse.

The photography soon drew suggestions I utilize Instagram on which I can post along with Facebook and provides another gratifying "Like"-Comment source. 

Along the way Corey urged me to join in on Twitter which I was very slow coming to, but I'm now picking up the pace and thanks to my daughter in law Jessica for explaining hash tag use.  I love being able to tweet directly to Mika and others.  I now have 115 followers, including the ominous sounding "FakeNewsTruther".

I'm sure there's a lot more technology I could utilize and I'm willing to learn.  

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