Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.20.2019 (2122 days ago)

I'm Excited

I'm Excited
2122 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


About what I do. Yes, my job.

I had coffee today with a networking contact. I hope you all meet her someday. She was talking about how sometimes after years of doing the same thing, people get bored and lose interest in what had once brought them joy and excitement.

She made me think. When I started practicing years ago, quite honestly, I did not have a specific path in the law. My direction in employment law was accidental – but things happen for a reason. I have always been a student of human interaction and so employment law was a natural fit for me.

While we were drinking coffee today, I thought about whether I had become bored and lost interest in my work. I quickly concluded that the answer was no, I am not bored at all. Frankly, I couldn’t be. My professional world is constantly changing. There is always a new rule or permutation. There is always a new client and relationship to build. And then, of course, there is the continuing and abundant sets of complications that happen when people work together. Since no two people are the same, no two workplace problems are ever the same. There is simply no room for me to get bored with my work.

Yes, it’s a lot of years later but I am still excited about what I do.

How about you?

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