Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.19.2013 (4159 days ago)

I can understand

I can understand
4159 days ago 8 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

The Affordable Health Care Act, affectionately know as ObamaCare, is getting so much attention these days. It was the focus of a government shutdown but this blog is not about the's about the website.


Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services, is responsible for the development and operation of the site and she is getting skewered. Right now she is traveling around the country getting people to sign up. Most recently she was in Tampa Bay where people in audience with their laptops ready couldn't get on the site. There have been calls for her to resign and she refuses till she "gets this right."


I'm on Kathleen's side. The expectations for technology to work seamlessly 100% of the time is a falicy. She was tasked with creating, testing and rolling out an online marketing exchange for millions of Americans in under 2 years. Even if the development time could not be extended, there was no way anybody could have antipicated the amount of traffic which has far exceeded expectations.


I totally understand. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and the bag of chips. There is no way to anticipate everything that might happen to a website. It's exists in the public domain and has to work on about a bunch of different browsers in many versions on countless types of computers. It's not easy but with the simplicity of using a computer and mobile devices, we, expect it to be.


Look at Gotham's website. Two years in development, not quite a year live and I'm still addressing issues that need to be fixed. At least it's operating and hasn't crashed from millions of people trying to gain access.

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