Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.28.2020 (1655 days ago)

I Used To...

I Used To...
1655 days ago 39 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This blog is inspired by my wife Joanne who I overheard riffing “I used to hug my grandchildren” (see photo) and on and on and on...

I asked her to Guest Blog, but if you know Jo you know that was not in the cards.

So here I go:
I used to fear something bad was just around the corner

I used to be a commuter

I used to be a softball pitcher for the Batmen

I used to shake hands

I used to be 5’9 3/4”

I used to go to Yankee games with Paul

I used to wear shoes and long pants

I used to go to the gym

I used to ride the subway

I used to take trips

I used to be young

I used to go through the motions

I used to be Fred Klein!

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