Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.08.2014 (3835 days ago)

I Sent A Fax

I Sent A Fax
3835 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Along with what seemed like a good part of the neighborhood, we had no internet service today. Let's not talk about why, and how frustrating it was. Instead, let's talk about how far we have come in a short time.

Today, we all rely on email, scanning, forwarding documents, etc. as just an ordinary, albeit important, part of the day. (Rona made a good point yesterday about technology’s interference with vacation.) What do you do when those necessities (luxuries?) are not available? Today was a look back to a time with access to only simple technology.

So, I sent a fax. I kind of liked it. But I really do hope the internet is back tomorrow.

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