Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.03.2015 (3432 days ago)

How to avoid the extra bag charge

How to avoid the extra bag charge
3432 days ago 5 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

Here's a way to avoid the extra bag charge if you're flying...wear all your clothes. Silly I know, but someone actually tried this.


James McElvar, 19, of the boy band Rewind fell ill after attempting to avoid a $70 luggage charge by wearing all of this clothes on an EasyJet flight.


The singer collapsed on the plane due to heat exhaustion. McLever, who wore 12 layers of clothing, told The Sun, “I thought I was having a heart attack. I thought I was a goner.”


In all, McElvar wore six T-shirts, five jumpers, three pairs of jeans, two sweat pants, two jackets and two hats.


They didn't report how many pairs of underwear or socks he was wearing ;)

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