02.20.2014 (4033 days ago)

How to Watch ?

How to Watch ?
4033 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It seemed that everyone was doing it, so we gave it a try. Netflix that is. First “Breaking Bad”, then “House of Cards.” As late comers, we're still catching up with the old seasons.

I can get as addicted as the next person. I was completely in to “24” and Monday nights were off-base for anything except watching the show. We were in Seattle for a long weekend and were taking the redeye back on Monday night. It happened that when we drove up to the Hotel in Seattle on Friday night, Keifer Sutherland was standing in front -- by chance he was staying at the same hotel. I couldn't resist saying hello and assuring him that I had set the DVR to record the following Monday’s episode.

As the series unfolded, I looked forward to Monday nights. It paced the week. I could think about what had happened, recover a bit, and wonder how the plot might unfold.

That was then. Netflix, and its delivery of a whole season at one time, is now. Theoretically, one can watch the whole new season of “House of Cards” in one marathon sitting. I trust that some have already done so since its release earlier this week.

I wonder about watching a new season that way. What do you do for the rest of the season? I guess that’s the issue. There is no “season.” Nothing to look forward to next week. On the other hand, it is whatever the viewer wants it to be. We’re in control. Convenient? Yes. But it will take some getting used to.

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