Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
04.03.2019 (2154 days ago)

How good is your word?

How good is your word?
2154 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

When I was a young girl, I spent a lot of time with my Dad. He started his construction company when I was a wee kindergartner and I rode next to him in his pickup truck everywhere. Over time, I became the permit girl, the organizer, the excel-spreadsheet expert, employee relations, collections and Dad’s biggest confidant. Through his many lessons, the one that meant the most to him was “being a man of his word”. He would often say, “all the money and power in the world is fine, but your promise is sacred. When you say you are going to do something, follow through.” Additionally, he ALWAYS answers his phone.

About a month ago, I was engaged in a negotiation with a client. I asked her, “how can I do more business with you”. She asked me for a killer rate on her accounts.” SO, I proceeded to say, if I give you a killer rate, will you bring me new money and allow me to invest a portion in the market? She promised me the business. A month went by and I became leery, BUT this client delivered with way more than she had promised. Through her demonstration of her word, she gained my respect and my loyalty as her money manager. I know in the future when she makes a promise, her word is gold. She has proven herself to me and now I will move mountains for her.

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