Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
01.02.2024 (433 days ago)

How Would You Choose to Travel?

How Would You Choose to Travel?
433 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

If I have a choice, I choose flying. Driving is fine, but I find my self less and less patient with a long drive.


As an alternative to driving, I would most definitely opt for Amtrak.  Recently we did a day trip to Wilmington and chose Amtrak over driving, hands down.


But if I have the option, I would choose flying first.  I am not actually sure why. Sometimes when you add in the amount of time it takes to get through the airport,  wait to clear security, and board and wait for the plane to take off and land – we could have driven in less time.  Yet, I would likely choose air travel.


If given a choice, what is your preferred method of travel?

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