Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.04.2020 (1771 days ago)

How I imagine the Future … at least a slice of it …

How I imagine the Future … at least a slice of it …
1771 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:



[Guest Blog by Shelley Simpson]

As we anxiously await the grand opening of the future, I’ve been intrigued by the notion of reimagining what it will look like:

Suburbs looking a bit more like cities with space set aside for socializing - grabbing a coffee and sitting with a friend instead of using the drive-through;

Cities with less traffic, more open spaces, gardens and more pedestrian friendly promenades;

More “happy hours” (with or without alcohol on line and off) to share time with friends, family and neighbors;

More options for working at home to accommodate parents and care-givers;

Readily available technology making education more easily customized for individual needs;

More attention to prevention instead of cures as we see food as medicine and we begin to take personal responsibility furor health outcomes;

Telemedicine is here to stay which will reduce costs and improve care;

Food insecurity will become a thing of the past;

Appreciation for a job well done and an end of the job snobbery;

A better understanding how inter-connected we are, and how much we truly depend on each other irrespective of artificial borders; and

Despite the grumbling, we came together to focus on solutions, to see opportunities instead of obstacles and seek good choices in the face of challenges. And that makes me hopeful.

By:  Shelley Simpson

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