04.12.2021 (1378 days ago)

How Did You Feel?

How Did You Feel?
1378 days ago 19 comments Categories: Health Tags:

This blog is not about whether you will, or will not, take the Covid vaccine. This blog is about how you felt afterwards if you did take it.


I am curious to hear different people’s reactions to the vaccine. I am also interested to hear whether you believe having Covid affected your reaction. In my family, all three vaccines were taken. My husband and two daughters had Moderna, I had Pfizer and my step-son had Johnson and Johnson.


Within, approximately 7 hours of taking John and Johnson my step-son began running a fever, had horrible aches and chills. He felt very ill for 36 hours. While, we do not know for sure, we have hypothesized that in late January 2020 he had Covid. He was living in the City, was extremely ill for about ten days, as were many of his friends. At that time they were not testing for Covid or thinking about Covid so he was just told he had a virus and to rest. But now I have read that they believe it was in NYC as early as January, 2020. My step-son has never taken an antibody test but his friends who have taken the test, and were sick at the same time, had the Covid antibodies.


My daughter, who has never had Covid and who did not have antibodies, was ill after taking the second Moderna shot. While she was not as ill as my step-son, her symptoms were similar, fever, body aches and chills. My other daughter and my husband were fine after both shots other that some arm pain.


Being the anxious person I can be at times, and after seeing two of my children's reactions,  I anticipated being ill after my second shot. I was not, however, ill at all. Other than arm pain, which was less with the second shot, and some fatigue, I was fine.


Did you have a reaction after your Covid vaccine? If so, what was it? And, do you mind sharing whether you had Covid?

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