We have family and friends in Florida. We have family and friends in Texas.
Watching the back to back devastation caused by two catastrophic storms over the last few weeks has been difficult. As Rona blogged yesterday, the memories for those who lived through Sandy are real.
For me, the worst part has been a profound feeling of helplessness. Mother Nature is strong willed and literally, has her own sense of direction. While our family was evacuating the east coast of Florida up to the middle of the state, Mother Nature had a different plan and just followed them up to Orlando.
Happily, the damage in Florida was not as bad as it could have been but I expect once we have real information, it will turn out to have been pretty bad.
Help me overcome that feeling of helpfulness. Let’s all figure out how to offer some help in whatever way we can. For those of you who survived Sandy, I would be curious to hear what you found to be of most help in the days right after.
Posted By : hydrajet