Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.17.2024 (29 days ago)

How Are You?

How Are You?
29 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Imagine if that were a real question in conversation rather than just an expected exchange of pleasantries.  We all say it, sort of like muscle memory. But are we really asking the other person to share how they truly are in that moment?


Perhaps they just had a difficult conversation with a family member. Or maybe they are worried about the stability of their job.  What if their knee hurts just from walking and the orthopedist said just live with it?


Just maybe they heard a rumor last week that a big promotion is heading their way.  Or, their daughter was just nominated to be class valedictorian.


Are we really asking?


Let’s try it.  How are you?

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