05.17.2015 (3570 days ago)

Hot Soup

Hot Soup
3570 days ago 6 comments Categories: Health Tags:

A friend is down in Tampa cleaning out the aparment of an elderly lady. She is in her mid-90s and is in an assisted living facility.  He is her advisor and the named executor of her estate. 

He said it is a rather depressing job to clean up decades of her stuff.  I asked him how she is doing.  Pretty well, he said, the only thing she cares about is whether her soup is hot.


While I hope I make it to my 90s -- not much of a chance if based on family history --  I am certainly in no rush to get there.  I am feeling old enough at 60. (Imagine how Fred must feel.)


But what my friend said makes me think about what I sometimes view as important each day.  What checks come in to the office, how I will do on a particular legal matter I am handling, whether someone very large will sit next to me on the train, whether there will be a long line paying for my lunch, how crowded will the subway be, is there going to be traffic, and on and on.


It would be nice just to be happy if your soup is hot.

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Posted By : hydrajet