Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.14.2023 (513 days ago)

Home is where the landline is

Home is where the landline is
513 days ago 15 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

According to the CDC’s National Health Interview Survey, which has been tracking American telephone use since 2003, fewer than 30 percent of American adults lived in a home with a landline phone last year. Those who still have one may have set it up ages ago—more than half of Americans over the age of 65 rely on landlines, and fewer than 2 percent of Americans use them as their only telephone.


Do you have one? I still do. What's interesting is that it's a communication device for the whole house not the personal property of one person. However, 99% of all calls I receive on my landline are spams/scams. 


I thought about getting rid of it but I'm sticking with it. 

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