Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
05.28.2016 (3208 days ago)

Holy Emoji

Holy Emoji
3208 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The Bible has been translated into 531 languages and now you have the option of reading it in Emojis. Tongue out I kid you not. Take a look at this...


Emoji's make the religious scene


As of now the person that translated it remains unidentified Sealed but sources tell me that the author wanted Millennials to identify with the teachings in the Bible.


The author was quoted as saying "A major goal of this whole process was to take a book that I think is very non-approachable to lay readers and try to make it more approachable by removing a lot of its density. "


BTW this isn't the first time that a translation used an unusual language. Star Trek fans have translated the Bible into the fictional Klingon language. Cool


What's next, The Declaration of Independece in Emojis? SurprisedLaughingEmbarassedInnocent

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