Crysti Farra
12.25.2024 (60 days ago)

Holiday's are for family time

Holiday's are for family time
60 days ago 11 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

As we approach the holidays, whichever you may celebrate, the one common denominator is family...always has been, hopefully always will be.


So, spend time away from your career - body AND mind - smell the Folger's coffee brewing (still one of my favorite holiday commercials) - watch the snow fall while you sit by a cozy fire drinking hot chocolate with your grandkids - sing the Christmas carols (largely written by the Jewish community) - smile at the antics of your one crazy relative (that we all have) - eat, drink and be merry!!!!


It is the one time of year where everyone (mainly) is loving, thoughtful and giving.  Relish these moments before we all jump into a new year, with new problems to solve and new mountains to climb.


Happy, Merry, joyous to all, and to all a good night!

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