Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.07.2014 (3778 days ago)

History Repeats Itself (What Goes Around Comes Around)

History Repeats Itself (What Goes Around Comes Around)
3778 days ago 14 comments Categories: Books Tags:

When I was a boy my only area of reading interest was sports books and the Encyclopedia of Baseball ( for memorization). Only with the advent of audio books did I slowly catch up on fine literature. 

When my boys were growing up I indoctrinated them pretty well as to sports, bought them Baseball cards and coached them.

Now I have 2 grandsons and the youngest, 8, has become consumed with Baseball in his first year of Little League. He lives nearby and whenever he visits he is always asking me to throw batting practice to him as he works on his game.

During the last 3 visits I have given him Baseball books from my mid century boyhood library.

I inscribe each precious heirloom with personal inspirational notes along with the date to memorialize the special moment.

The above picture shows the fly leaf of my favorite boyhood book of Baseball fiction, The Phantom Homer.

It is so nice that he has entered my realm!

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