Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.21.2014 (3765 days ago)

History Repeats Itself (Again)

History Repeats Itself (Again)
3765 days ago 9 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

Our firm has had Season tickets to the Knicks (not always a good investment) since the '80s. As such, I have taken my 2 sons to many games over the years. 

Last Sunday the tradition continued as I took my son David and my 2 grandsons to a 1:00 matinee. See above photo.

I have taken Jackson, the older grandson to a number of games in recent years, but it was the first for Shawn, the 8 year old Baseball fanatic who was the subject of a recent blog.

Shawn and I took the train into Penn Station and during the trip I asked him what was his favorite sporting event and without hesitation he said Baseball (he has gone to 4 games). 

Soon we were in the Garden seeking a souvenir. A Carmelo Anthony jersey was unavailable in Kids size and he settled on a seemingly over sized Knick hat after far more consideration, shopping and deliberation I assumed an 8 year old was capable of.

Next we were in the seats waiting for warm ups as uncle David and Jackson joined us. Jackson thereupon advised Shawn to wear his new hat at a jaunty off center angle.

A Knick game is far more than a competition between teams of too tall men. It is an extravaganza, happening and Broadway show rolled into one under a huge flashing, bellowing pin ball game score board.

One show business gimmick is to shoot balled up Knick tee shirts into the crowd and when one sailed in our vicinity David muscled for position and proudly pulled
It down. He handed it to his son who then gave it to Shawn.

The Knicks won and on the way home I asked Shawn what his favorite sport was and he said "Basketball to watch and Baseball to play".

To be continued...

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