Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
09.13.2017 (2736 days ago)

Hillary, Coco, Charlize & me

Hillary, Coco, Charlize & me
2736 days ago 10 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Hillary, Charlize, Coco, Caring, Atomic Blonde

I knew if I wrote a blog about HRC, that it would be potentally polarizing. She brings up a lot of strong feelings in people. My reason for writing the blog becomes, then, more appropriate. I want to write about not caring what people think of me.

Coco Chanel has a great quote which I used to adore: “I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all.” However, since I recently discovered she was a Nazi sympathizer (how that is different from being a regular Nazi, I'm not sure) I don't want to give her anymore press. I always did find the quote a bit cold, which makes more sense now.

Anyway, I'm sure this is something that started from birth, youngest of 4, it was a survival tactic. As a child it was okay, as an adult, let's change those neural pathways.



That doesn't mean I don't want to listen to (some well chosen) other people, I want to make sure my voice is a bit louder than theirs in my Life.

As my friend Sonia reminds me, what other people think is none of my business.

Back to Ms. Clinton, she has a new book out and from what I've read, I think it shows that she has gotten quite good at not caring what other people think of her. She has withstood "the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune." And she keeps getting back up.

Keep getting back up.

What saves a man is to take a step. And then another step. - C. S. Lewis

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