We’ve been summer visitors to Martha’s Vineyard for years and I have a subscription to the Vineyard Gazette (most-recently renewed as a birthday gift from Jeremy). Keeping up with happenings on the Vineyard is fun; however following the Island’s local news in mid-December is a bit of a challenge.
As I recently glanced at the front page of the weekly Gazette, nothing struck me as compelling and I was about to add the newsprint to the recycling pile. I paused and said to myself that there must be something that would be of interest to me — something that might touch me — in the sixteen or so pages.
And I found it…a sweet cartoon and article about the closing of Chilmark Chocolates, a legendary fixture on the Vineyard and the purveyor of some of the best chocolates ever. (The only time we didn’t come home with boxes and boxes of Chilmark Chocolates was when the store exercised its unforgiving independence and closed - even during the height of the season.) We rationed those delights until it was almost time to make the ferry reservation for the next summer.
I smiled as I read the article and tore out the page so I could share it as I would have shared the chocolates with others.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover” and don’t forego a newspaper because of the front page. Search for the less obvious - it’s worth it.
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : hydrajet
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb