08.01.2013 (4238 days ago)

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?
4238 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It's August 1st! The summer and the year seem to be flying by.

There was something special about blogging on the first day of the month (and not-so-special about blogging on the last day of the month) but that was when we had the old website and blogs were "up" for the month. With the new website, today's blog is on view on the homepage and that's it. (You can scroll through the blogs with the arrows in the blog box.)
I like the new website. I like it more and more as I become more familiar and comfortable with it. I like "Gotham Shares" and "Gotham in Business" and seeing what's going on. Sometimes the postings are better on the homepage of the website than on Fredslist.
I keep the Gotham Website open on my computer all day and usually refer to it a few times a day -- often searching for members and contact information. It surprises me some of the profiles and contact information are not up to date. So, if you haven't updated lately, please check and do so (and I'll have to find out what happened to my picture).
By the way, our webmaster, Mitch Tobol, will be the guest of honor at the NY Health and Aging group meeting next week (check it out and sign up on the website).
Mitch will be checking the comments, so how are you with the new website?

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