06.22.2020 (1721 days ago)

Hello!!! It's Nice to See You!

Hello!!! It's Nice to See You!
1721 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


During this quarantine, it always lifted my spirits to have a Zoom or Skype conference call and “see” people. Even if those calls were necessitated through work, seeing other people always added a smile to my day. Now with the nicer weather and things opening up a bit it has been nice to see people-- other than those in my quarantine group-- in person.


Last week, I met a friend for an early morning walk on the boardwalk. Even though we have been speaking regularly, seeing her in person added a smile to my day. Similarly, the next day, my brother and sister came to the house for an outdoor, socially distant barbecue. Seeing my sister, in person, after over three months literally brought us to tears.


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