Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
06.16.2014 (3870 days ago)

Heading to Starbucks

Heading to Starbucks
3870 days ago 5 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

I am not really a fan of Starbucks coffee. Maybe a Frappuccino on a hot day but for a regular cup of coffee I have other favorites. But today’s news definitely changed my allegiance.

Starbucks started a new program to encourage its staff to pursue a college degree. According to one news report, 70 percent of Starbucks workers don’t have a college degree. But with the newly announced program, employees can take online courses and in some cases pursue a full degree –and all at Starbuck’s cost.

At a time when it is so difficult for so many to pursue education, it is nice to see a company making an investment in the future.

Coffee anyone? I will happily meet you at Starbucks.

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