Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
07.19.2014 (3877 days ago)

He's back

He's back
3877 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

No pun intended...or maybe just a little :)


Tiger Woods made the cut yesterday in the British Open by making a birdie on the 18th hole. Without that he was a goner for the weekend. It's his first major and only second time playing competitive golf since his back surgery.


What impresses me most about him is not his ability to play, but his attitude. He just barely makes the cut, is 14 shots back (which is insurmountable in a major let alone a regular golf match) and yet when asked about his just making the cut he says "It gives me a chance..." No matter what you think about him, he has undoubtedly the best attitude in professional sports. He knows exactly where he his in the tournament and still believes he can do it citing a miraculous comeback by Paul Lawrie in 1999 when he was 10 shots back and won.


It will be fascinating to see what he can do this weekend.


Update...(8:30AM) he's 2 under par and even for the championship

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