Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
05.13.2018 (2489 days ago)

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day
2489 days ago 14 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Mother's Day

Friday’s blogger recounted this past Friday how Sundays prove a “tough beat.” But one thing the other bloggers can never, ever do involves special days like today.

The other bloggers can wish ahead (or behind) but never, ever, express gratitude to the moms – our moms – on this special day. Heck, last year on this day, I got to Thank Mom as she approached a special number (It also linked to three songs for the day.). Two year’s ago today, Sweet, included a nod to the most special mom in my life – lovely Shelly.

And in the era of #MeToo, let us take this Mother’s Day to standup not just for the moms, but also our daughters, sisters, granddaughters, grandmas, aunts, cousins, friends and colleagues.

Happy Mother’s Day to the all moms, especially the three most important ones in my life – and to that trio,


Happy Mother’s Day, with love.

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