Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
11.28.2021 (1201 days ago)

Happy Holidays in song

Happy Holidays in song
1201 days ago 12 comments Categories: Music Tags:Happy Holidays, Happy Chanukah, Merry Xmas

After Thanksgiving and Black Friday, it often signals the start of the holiday sounds on the radio; some years the tunes populate radio and various "elevator juke boxes" before Thanksgiving.  With Chanukah starting this eve it makes sense to release the updated Happy Holidays In Song today.  Some eight years ago, I started this open source holiday tune list and accompanying playlists on YouTube and Apple Music (formerly iTunes).  Updated and verified as of November 26, the list grew to 111 songs on YouTube and 79 on Apple Music.  You can use this list to scroll through to easily find the Chanukah "set" and several Kwanza songs; there's even one Festivus tune. Please do enjoy.


And if you wish to propose a song to add to this play list, please also include a YouTube link.

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