Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
05.12.2019 (2126 days ago)

Happy Day to our moms

Happy Day to our moms
2126 days ago 10 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Mother's Day, Relic, Queens Theatre

A year ago, I boasted about what made this Sunday blog beat more special than any other day; that applies even if comments come by less often compared to some other days. When certain specials days occur with regularity on a Sunday, what’s not to complain. I certainly voice no objection that I can share a special Happy Mother’s Day wish to to all the special ladies, including the most special and Sweet mom in my life.


We celebrated Mother’s Day eve by taking in an interesting play, Relic, or, I Was Bubbie's Favorite by Joel Feinman (as told to Lojo Simon). The subject relic proved less interesting than how actor Adam Green played 17 characters including his late Grandma in a satisfying one-person play of self-exploration and fulfillment; definitely worth a visit to Queens Theatre in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. In many ways Relic served up the goods on how a female family member provides inspiration to a child or grandchild.


All the more reason to wish Happy Mother’s Day to every mom, and from me a special message of love to the trio of important mom’s in my life.

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