04.19.2015 (3610 days ago)


3610 days ago 12 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I am stealing from an article in the New York Times this weekend.  It was about the relationship between what you spend your money on and your happiness.  Do you choose to spend your dollars on things, or on events like vacations.  One is long lasting, the other fleeting.


Now maybe if you are rich, like Fred, you can go do both.  But that doesn't answer the question as to which gives you more happiness.


According to a study (there is always a study), the answer is vacations.  Buying a new couch or car or bicycle may make you very happy, but only for a short time.  After a while, you become accostomed to that thing, it will no longer be new and novel, and its affect on your happiness lessens.  I feel this way about new shoes, so I read on.


A vacation however, according to the study, while short lived and as expensive as getting all new kitchen appliances that may last for years, remains in your memory as a happy event, and therefore even though it is over so to speak makes and keeps you happy longer.


I think I have to agree with the article on this. Time to book a new memorable vacation for the betterment of my happiness.


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