01.14.2013 (4435 days ago)

Hang Up the Phone

Hang Up the Phone
4435 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

While my children may disagree, I don`t believe that my husband and I have too many rules that we expect them to abide by. Besides the obvious of being courteous and respectful to others and keeping their rooms relatively neat, they all still have curfews and are, generally, not allowed out with their friends on school nights. We have one rule, however, that’s always been a source of controversy with them; no cell phones are allowed at the table during meals. While my children begrudgingly follow this rule, they generally complain that we are the only parents who restrict cell phone usage in any way. And while my husband and I will definitely not be changing this rule, I am beginning to think my children may be right.

Last Thursday evening, my husband and I took my step-son out to dinner to a “family style” restaurant. During dinner, my husband nudged me to look at the table next to us. Sitting at the table was what appeared to be a family of four people. What was interesting about the table was that all four people at the table, including the youngest that looked approximately eight years old, were all using their cell phones whether it was to text, email, or talk. I then looked at all the tables within our immediate vicinity and could not find a single table where, at least, one cell phone was not in use. When leaving the restaurant, I purposely walked around the restaurant and was astonished to see that there was a cell phone in use in some way at almost every single table.

While I understand that it’s difficult for kids to disconnect, I was surprised to see so many adults texting while sitting with their families. My husband and I created our cell phone rule because we feel that we have so little time with our kids that, when we are together, we don’t want them to be distracted. My observations in that restaurant made me wonder whether, with the unbridled use of cell phones, have we lost the skills necessary to just sit and enjoy someone’s company? Do we really have to be connected all the time?

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