05.25.2020 (1749 days ago)

Hamburgers v. Hot Dogs

Hamburgers v. Hot Dogs
1749 days ago 7 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:


With Memorial day weekend upon us, hopefully everyone is outside enjoying much needed fresh air. And, when I think of Memorial Day, I think of bar-b-ques. A thought I do not believe the current situation will change. In fact,  I believe we need our bar-b-ques even more this year. So the natural question is, what is your preference? Are you a hamburger person or hotdog person? Or both?


I am a hot dog person. I am not a fan of hamburgers, at all. Although I like my hotdogs a bit differently than most, I  put ketchup on my hotdogs. Or, as my Dad used to say, “She’ll have an unAmerican hotdog.”


So, when a host comes around with the hamburger and hotdog tray which do you grab? And what toppings do you put on it?


Happy Memorial Day Gotham!!! Stay safe!!


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