05.29.2017 (2828 days ago)

Growing Up Yiddish

Growing Up Yiddish
2828 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

 Growing up, my parents spoke Yiddish to one another when they did not want my brother, sister, or I to know what they were discussing. My parents didn’t know, however, that I slowly began to understand Yiddish and, ultimately, could understand what they were saying to one another. I would, secretly,  then tell  my brother and sister what was being said. I didn’t tell my parents  about my secret ability to understand their Yiddish conversations until I was married with my own family.


I cannot say that I can speak Yiddish. Yet, hearing it spoken is comforting to me as it brings me immediately back to my childhood.


Were there any languages, other than English, spoken in your home?


Happy Memorial Day Gotham!!!


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