01.28.2019 (2219 days ago)

Great Television

Great Television
2219 days ago 24 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about The Sopranos. Several weeks before that I had written another blog about binge watching Game of Thrones. In thinking about both blogs, I realized they had a common theme, great television.


There are a lot of shows I would call really good television, Cheers, The West Wing, Friends, and Seinfeld. But when those shows ended, I felt it was time for them to end. There were a handful of shows, however, that when the series came to an end, I felt differently. I didn’t want the show to end and knew I would miss the characters.


For me those shows are The Sopranos, MASH, and Game of Thrones. Admittedly, Game of Thrones hasn’t ended yet, but I await the last season with anticipation and dread. I am excited to see what season eight holds for the characters but do not want my time with them to be over. It’s the same way I felt going into the last seasons of The Sopranos and MASH. I just didn’t want my time with the characters to come to an end. A sign, for me, of great television.


What shows would you consider to be great television?


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