Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
12.01.2018 (2290 days ago)

Great Month

Great Month
2290 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

December. Last month of the year...Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanza, Boxing Day, New Years Eve, National Cookie Day (December 4th) and some very important birthdays are celebrated this month :-)


Here are some interesting facts I've uncovered:

Hi December

  • An almanac prediction states that if snow falls on Christmas Day, Easter will be warm, green and sunny.
  • The name December comes from the Latin decem for “ten”, as it was the 10th month in the Roman Calendar.
  • “Jingle bells” was composed in 1857, and not for Christmas – it was meant to be a Thanksgiving song!

It's always been a fun month for me. I even find that some people are a bit nicer. Why is that? Do they have a birthday this month too?

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